Voyager Digital Provides Update on Reimbursement Plan for Creditors

Following Binance’s withdrawal from the Voyager Digital deal on April 25, the now-defunct crypto lender has recently informed creditors that they can expect to receive their initial cash and crypto distributionswithin the next few weeks.This update comes nine days

US Federal Trade Commission Investigates Marketing Schemes of Crypto Firm Voyager

According to a court document filed recently in the Voyager Digital bankruptcy case, アメリカ. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is investigating the marketing of the crypto firm. Like the U.S. 証券取引委員会 (SEC), the FTC has objected to Binance

Alameda Research Seeks $446 Million Over Alleged ‘Preferential Transfers’ to Voyager Digital

月曜日に, Alameda Research Ltd. filed a legal complaint against Voyager Digital LLC and HTC Trading Inc. in the U.S. bankruptcy court. The complaint alleges the defendants received preferential transfers of property from Alameda Research and the plaintiffs are seeking to

Kraken Shutting Down Crypto Exchange in Japan Citing Weak Global Crypto Market

Cryptocurrency exchange Kraken is shutting down services in Japan. The company explained that the current Japanese market conditions and a weak global crypto market do not justify the resources needed to further grow its business in Japan at this time. Kraken…

FDICは暗号関連の停止命令を発行します 5 FTX US Exchangeを含む企業

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) has sent a cease and desist letter to five companies, including crypto exchange FTX US. CEO Sam Bankman-Fried explained that FTX does not have FDIC insurance, 述べる: “We never meant otherwise, and apologize if anyone


シャーク タンクのスターであり、NBA チーム ダラス マーベリックスのオーナー, マーク・キューバン, Voyager Digital を宣伝するための集団訴訟に直面している’の暗号製品. 原告はボイジャーが “大規模なポンジースキーム” とキューバ人 “duped millions of

法執行機関が資金を凍結した後、暗号交換Hotbitはサービスを一時停止します, 召喚状 シニアマネージャー

Crypto exchange Hotbit has announced the suspension of trading, 預金, withdrawals, and funding on its platform. The exchange said law enforcement has frozen some of its funds and subpoenaed some senior managers as they investigate a criminal case involving the exchange’s…

仮想通貨レンダーHodlnautが引き出しを一時停止—会社は市場状況を引用, 最近の暗号ラリーにもかかわらず

8月に 8, 暗号交換および融資プラットフォームの Hodlnaut は、同社が引き出しを一時停止したことを発表しました, トークンスワップ, および預金. Hodlnaut は、過去 3 か月間で出金を凍結した多くの仮想通貨企業に加わりました, leaving customers little hope


ニューヨーク州司法長官のレティシア・ジェームズ氏は、仮想通貨プラットフォームにだまされたと信じている同州の投資家に対し、彼女の事務所に連絡するよう促した。. “投資家は暗号通貨で大きなリターンを約束されました, しかし代わりに苦労して稼いだお金を失いました,” she stressed….

連邦準備制度理事会, FDICがボイジャーデジタルに連邦預金保険の請求を撤回するよう命令

Following Voyager Digitals application for bankruptcy protection during the first week of July, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and the Federal Reserve Board today issued a joint letter to the company demanding a cease and desist against Voyagers FDIC claims. の…